Barfin Network

System composition


Explore the core of Barfin's trading system - the Detector. Learn how it operates with trading algorithms through microservices and a trading data bus, and how it's configured to identify entry points, changes, and trade exits. Discover the principles of crafting effective strategies and utilizing a plugin architecture to maximize profits in financial markets.

In today's fast-paced financial markets, algorithmic trading has become an integral part of investors' strategies. However, efficient algorithm deployment demands specialized tools. In this context, let's delve into a core element of the Barfin Detector - algorithmic trading's strategic engine.

Understanding the Detector

Within the Barfin ecosystem, a Detector is a microservice that interacts with trading data through a trading data bus. Its primary objective is to encapsulate trading strategies into algorithmic form. Essentially, the Detector seeks opportune moments for trade entry, modifications, and exits based on predefined rules and indicators.

Core tasks of the Detector

The Detector performs pivotal tasks to facilitate effective algorithmic trading:

1. Data analysis

The Detector scrutinizes trading data using designated indicators and rules to identify suitable entry points for trades.

2. Decision making

Leveraging the analysis, the Detector makes informed decisions regarding trade entry, modification, and exit.

3. Strategy customization

Detector configurations encompass various parameters, such as data sources, order types, asset sets, employed indicators, and plugins.

4. Adaptive response

The Detector constantly monitors market changes, adjusting its strategy in real-time for optimal outcomes.

Advantages of utilizing the detector

- Automation

The Detector automates decision-making, eliminating human intervention in the trading process.

- Rapid Response

With instant data processing, the Detector promptly responds to market changes in real-time.

- Precision and consistency

Operated according to predefined rules, the Detector ensures consistent and accurate decision-making.

- Scalability

The system allows the integration of new indicators, rules, and plugins, ensuring the Detector's flexibility and scalability.

In the Barfin ecosystem, the Detector stands as a cornerstone for effective algorithmic trading. Its capacity to analyze data, make decisions, and dynamically adapt to market shifts makes it an indispensable tool for traders aiming to employ efficient and automated strategies in financial markets.

Here's a TypeScript code example for a Detector within the Barfin context:

// indicators.ts

interface Indicator {
  calculate(data: number[]): number;

class MovingAverageIndicator implements Indicator {
  calculate(data: number[]): number {
    const sum = data.reduce((total, value) => total + value, 0);
    return sum / data.length;

// detector.ts

class Detector {
  private indicator: Indicator;

  constructor(indicator: Indicator) {
    this.indicator = indicator;

  analyzeData(data: number[]): void {
    const result = this.indicator.calculate(data);
    console.log(`Analyzed data using ${}: ${result}`);

// Create an instance of the MovingAverageIndicator
const movingAverageIndicator = new MovingAverageIndicator();

// Create a Detector with the MovingAverageIndicator
const detector = new Detector(movingAverageIndicator);

// Sample data for analysis
const data = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30];

// Analyze the data using the detector

In this example, we've defined an Indicator interface with a calculate method. We've implemented a MovingAverageIndicator class that calculates the moving average of an array of numbers. The Detector class takes an instance of an Indicator during its creation and uses it to analyze the provided data.

Please note that this is a simplified example for demonstration purposes. A real implementation of a Barfin Detector would involve more complex logic for analyzing trading data, interacting with the trading data bus, and handling various configurations.