Barfin Network


Design principles

Explore the principles and benefits of designing a cutting-edge trading system using microservices architecture and leveraging the power of Redis as a data bus. Learn how this composite architecture enhances flexibility, scalability, and data distribution in algorithmic trading.

Principles of designing a modern trading system with a microservices architecture and data bus integration

Creating a modern trading system requires not only efficient programming but also the application of best design principles. Microservices architecture integrated with a data bus becomes a pivotal approach in developing such systems. In this article, we will delve into the fundamental principles of designing a trading system based on microservices and a data bus.

1. Single responsibility principle

Each microservice should be responsible for a specific functionality. For instance, distinct services can handle strategic analysis, risk management, or order execution. This ensures a clear separation of concerns and facilitates easy incorporation of changes.

2. Modularity and flexibility

Microservices should be independent and easily replaceable. This flexibility allows for scalable changes to the system without affecting other components. Modularity also simplifies testing and maintenance.

3. API-driven integration

Clear APIs must be defined for data exchange between microservices. This provides a standardized means of communication between system components.

4. Data bus integration

Integration with a data bus, such as Redis, ensures swift and reliable distribution of data among microservices. This reduces the load on central databases and guarantees high performance.

5. Monitoring and scalability

Each microservice should be easily monitorable to ensure the system's reliability. Additionally, mechanisms for automatic scalability should be considered to maintain performance as the workload increases.

6. Security and risk management

Every microservice should be equipped with security mechanisms to safeguard data and operations. Integrating a risk management service helps control risks and ensures operational safety.

Designing a modern trading system using microservices and a data bus is a complex task that demands careful consideration and the application of contemporary software design principles. Effective integration, modularity, flexibility, and adherence to security principles enable the creation of a reliable and successful trading system capable of adapting efficiently to the realities of financial markets.

Here's an example TypeScript code for a trading system with a plugin architecture:

// tradingSystem.ts

interface Plugin {
  execute(symbol: string): void;

class TradingSystem {
  private plugins: Plugin[] = [];

  addPlugin(plugin: Plugin): void {

  executeStrategy(symbol: string): void {
    for (const plugin of this.plugins) {

class StrategyPlugin implements Plugin {
  execute(symbol: string): void {
    console.log(`Executing strategy for ${symbol}`);

class RiskManagementPlugin implements Plugin {
  execute(symbol: string): void {
    console.log(`Managing risk for ${symbol}`);

// Create an instance of the trading system
const tradingSystem = new TradingSystem();

// Add plugins
const strategyPlugin = new StrategyPlugin();
const riskManagementPlugin = new RiskManagementPlugin();


// Execute strategy for a specific symbol

In this example, we've used TypeScript to create a trading system with a plugin architecture. We define an Plugin interface that specifies the execute method for each plugin. Then, there's a TradingSystem class that has methods for adding plugins and executing strategies.

We've also created two plugin classes: StrategyPlugin and RiskManagementPlugin, both of which implement the Plugin interface and execute the corresponding strategy and risk management logic.

Please note that this is a simplified example intended to demonstrate the plugin architecture concept in TypeScript. In real-world projects, the code would be more complex and involve additional details for managing plugins and data communication.